

The Fish Loving Spirits of Bengal: Mechho Bhoot

mecho bhoot

The Legend of Mechho Bhoot

The Mechho Bhoot, a supernatural being in Bengali Folklore, gets its name from the Bengali word “Machh,” meaning ‘fish’. These spirits are said to have a particular fondness for the taste of fish, which is where they derive their name. It is believed they inhabit areas near village ponds or lakes. These sprits are usually unpredictable by their nature, as they can be both playful and dangerous with their victims. These entities can also kill people drowning them to the deep water till the victim looses his breath. 

The Nasal Request: "Machh Diye Ja"

Mechho Bhoots are typically believed to reside near village ponds or lakes that are abundant in fish. According to the stories, these spirits will try to persuade fishermen or isolated travelers to give them fish. They do this by speaking in a nasal tone and saying, “Machh Diye Ja,” which means “Give me the fish.”

The Mysterious Disappearance of Fish

These supernatural entities are said to have a particular fondness for stealing fish—whether from the kitchens of village homes or the boats of local fishermen. It’s also said that the greedy Mechho Bhoot even scare and kill people to eat their fish. In some villages of Bengal, people still avoid fishing at night.

Cultural Significance

The Mechho Bhoot’s love for fish shows how important fish or “maach” is in the region of West Bengal and Bangladesh. Legend of Mechho Bhoot entertainingly show how closely people are connected to their environment and nature in Bengali Folklore.


The legends of Mechho Bhoot highlight the rich collection of Bengali folklore, where the supernatural beings are connected with the daily life of people. As long as these stories run from one generation to the other, it will enhance the power of folklore and shape the values and beliefs of the society.